Its been busy

Well its been a while since Ive posted anything, been really busy but I hope to get back to posting more soon.

I’ve been helping with the process, as the visually designer MobiOne is retired, of getting projects into MyEclipse and building them using the PhoneGap service. We finally got a initial release out, though it does have some issues we still need to take care of with the audio and video widgets.

Ive done a little more on my social app, but not a bunch. I do think its ready for some serious testing though. It seems to work well on my Android and iOS. So, I am hoping to release it before too long.

I’ve still been playing around with the Ionic Creator, and I’m much less impressed by it now. It is very buggy, even for beta version. I’ve had it delete projects I started, it doesn’t always show the place the element will be dropping into, when using the tabs layout on every change it jumps back to the main tab, and you can’t really export effectively without some major work.

Another serious issue is I’m working on an enterprise app that has a mobile and desktop or iPad version, the creator only shows a fixed size so its had to do anything responsive with it and make is look good. I still have a lot of hope for it as there is nothing for the Ionic developers like it, but for now it’s just not there.

Stay tuned for a new post looking at the MyEclipse 2015 latest CI release!