GapDebug is just cool

As I use the MyEclipse IDE for a lot of my development now it appears they have just released a new tool called GapDebug. This tool allows you to test and debug on the device in real time. Once setup, which was really easy, you just run a phoneap app and it shows up in the debugger ( which is Chrome based so you need that installed, one of the fees steps). Your device is connected though the USB cable. Once in debugging mode you can see the entire layout of the app, click on the and view the files and even edit in real time much of it, for example to test a new code or attribute.

I will be writing more on this, but since I just installed it this morning I want to play around with it more.

However it is a free tool so you can grab yours and play around as well!

Check out GapDebug now!

Oh, make sure to disable sleep mode, or it disconnects, but even if you don’t just wake it back up and it reconnects fine.