Angluar-timer / Ionic Test

So I recently found this timer for angular:

I decided to play around with it with some of the samples and it looks very intriguing if you need a timer function. Here are a couple of the samples:

Why do I bring this up? Being an independent developer I thought it might be neat to create a simple count down timer to split my time on my current projects. So my idea is to just implement this into a project timer. Ok, I know there are tons of timers out there that I could probably use. And, I have even done timers in Javascript that would probably be just as easy. But, as I focus on learning more Ionic and AngularJS I thought this would be a good opportunity to do that.

After all learning how to do the same things in different ways can expand our knowledge base on the technologies and I think focusing on implementing something you have a good understanding of, like in this case how to create a timer, will make it easier to learn. To paraphrase the old saying, who wants to learn just one way to skin a cat.

var brandon.mood = {{happy.coder}};

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